Friday 25 September 2015

PSLE Oral: Stimulus-based Conversation (Part 1)

As this cohort of P6 pupils is the first batch to be tested with the new PSLE Oral Format, there are very few commercial resources on stimulus-based conversation available in the market. Here is a list of sample stimulus-based conversation topics that parents can use as practice resources:

(A) Theme: Occupations
Picture: Assembly Talk on Four Occupations
Question 1: Will you attend this assembly talk? Why or why not?
Question 2: Which occupation will you be interested to find out more about? / Which occupation is the most challenging?
Question 3: What do you aspire to be when you grow up?

(B) Theme: Sports & Charity
Picture: Poster on POSB PAssion Run for Kids
Question 1: Will you take part in this event? Why or why not?
Question 2: Why do you think people will attend this event?
Question 3: Besides engaging in sports, how can we maintain a healthy lifestyle?

(C) Theme: Reading
Stimulus: Cover page and blurb of a children's story book
Question 1: Will you be interested to read this book? Why or why not?
Question 2: Tell me about your favourite book.
Question 3: You have a friend who does not like to read. How can you persuade your friend to read more books?

(D) Theme: Dengue Fever & Illness
Picture: Poster on Prevention of Dengue Fever and Breeding of Mosquitoes
Question 1: Do you think the poster is effective in preventing the breeding of Aedes mosquitoes?
Question 2: Tell me about a time when you were sick?
Question 3: Besides displaying posters, what else can be done to encourage Singaporeans to do their part to prevent dengue fever?

(E) Theme: Outdoor event & Family
Picture: Poster on Outdoor Family Carnival
Question 1: Will you be interested to take part in this event? Why or why not?
Question 2: Tell me about an outdoor activity that you enjoy.
Question 3: What activities do you and your family engage in on weekends?