Friday 22 July 2011

Commonly Misspelt Words

As the school Preliminary Examinations are just round the corner, I thought it would be timely and useful to share with everyone some words that are commonly misspelt.

Commonly Misspelt Words in English - Spot the Mistakes!

- Seperate
- Definately
- Manover
- Occurence
- Unneccessarry
- Questionair
- Consience
- Curiousity
- Enviroment
- Beleive
- Arguement
- Embarassment
- Explaination
- Desribtion

Let's find out what the correct spelling should be...Commonly Misspelt Words in English - Spot the Mistakes! Usually I tell my pupils to think of a one-sentence story to remember the tricky words.

- Seperate            - Separate
- Definately          -  Definitely
- Manover   - Manoeuvre
- Occurence        - Occurrence
- Unneccessarry - Unnecessary
- Questionair - Questionnaire
- Consience           - Conscience
- Curiousity   - Curiosity
- Enviroment          - Environment
- Beleive             - Believe
- Arguement    - Argument
- Embarassment     - Embarrasssment
- Explaination - Explanation
- Decsribtion           - Description

There are strategies to help with spelling. You can think of a one-sentence story to remember how to spell the tricky words. Try this strategy. My pupils have found it very useful.

Separate              -  I am sad to be Separated from my Pa (father)
Conscience  - Science has no conscience.

Search for commonly misspelt words on Google to learn more about them. Have fun!

~ Serena's Greenhouse


  1. thanks for posting these, can i suggest this blog to my friends?

  2. Hi, Izabella. Sorry for the late reply. Did not realise that you have posted a comment. Feel free to let your friends know about this blog :)
